The Master in Interactive Technologies comprises the following main objectives:

– provide a reasoned and problematizing knowledge of theories and practices of application of interactive technologies, taking into account the different contexts of professional intervention;

– to qualify for autonomous professional performance, developing models and devices conceptually and methodologically appropriate to technology application projects;

– develop methodologies for the exploration, application and evaluation of technologies adapted to the study of / intervention in use scenarios, digital exploration and experimentation;

– to enable the exercise of supervisory functions in projects of application and experimentation of technology in the intervention contexts of interactive technologies.

Key learning outcomes

In accordance with the professional profile defined for the Master Programme, it is expected that students, upon completing this degree, will be able to:

1. Classify the main theories, principles, models and technologies, their potentialities and limitations, taking into account their applicability in modeling, interface and interaction with informative contents that allow to try and expand current and new aesthetic narratives;

2. Diagnose, in the final use and experimentation scenarios, the technologies integration needs and potential;

3. Select, develop and apply, in a rigorous and efficient manner, models, devices, methods and techniques for the application and exploitation of technologies adapted to the needs and potentialities identified in the final use and experimentation scenarios, supervising their implementation;

4. Participate, autonomously, critically and interventively in interactive technology projects;

5. To systematically systematize the evaluation of the usability of the information systems and / or the scenarios developed in the context of projects of application and experimentation of the technologies in the domains of intervention;

6. Conduct change processes resulting from the introduction of technologies into the professional contexts and practices of the various domains of intervention.