An early application phase will be open from 11th to 22th April of 2024.

>> Applications for all Master courses at University of Minho can be made on-line at the Academic Portal.

Candidates seeking admission to the Course should be:

– holders of an undergraduate degree (or equivalent qualification) in Informatics, Information Systems, Multimedia, Design, Arts, or related areas;

– holders of an overseas undergraduate degree (or equivalent qualification) in the above mentioned, or similar areas, awarded in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a European or other State adhering to this process;

– holders of an overseas qualification that is recognised as satisfying the objectives of an undergraduate degree (or equivalent qualification) in the above mentioned or similar areas;

– holders of an academic, scientific or professional Curriculum Vita that is recognised as testifying to the capacity of a candidate to satisfactorily undertake this period of study.

The criteria for selection of candidates are: final classification of the undergraduate degree (first one in case of more than one); academic, scientific and technical-professional Curriculum Vitae; professional experience related to the area of the Course.

The documentation required for the application is also identified in the Academic Application Portal, which includes:

  • Certificate of the undergraduate degree with completed curricular units and their final classification
  • Civil and fiscal identification document
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae
  • Other elements requested in the Call for Applications or that the candidates understand as relevant for consideration of their application